A holistic approach
To finding healthy movement
To finding healthy movement
Many of my clients have had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other investigative …
I am inspired by how many people have the hope and the belief that there is a different…
How we move is influenced by so many things... pain, emotions, habits, training, injury…
I love my colleagues Rachel's comment on LinkedIn yesterday – she quoted from one of …
'How we move has a direct influence on ongoing and recurrent joint and muscle pains'.
The Japanese word Kaizen means continuous improvement or change for the better.
Dr Sarah Mottram talking about a fresh approach in changing people's lives
‘If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the…
... and then not finding a solution...
Neck, back, hip, shoulder pain etc takes the spring out of so many people's lives. Ongoing…
Black Friday to Black Neck and Shoulder
'Is there anything I can do to relieve my neck [back, hip, shoulder pain]?
Improving healthy movement with virtual sessions and technology can help you move away…
Kinetic Control Coordination and Synergy Series for 2021 and 2022
So many neck and shoulder problems can stop people from enjoying the games and sports…
The Brain, Processing and Pain
On my walk this morning I was reflecting on all the positive feedback I have had on my…
Just released Positive Encouragers Pod; Sarah Talking with Richmond Stace
What do we mean by the term healthy movement?
‘If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the…
The last blog, Physical Activity, Exercise, Movement and Health, explored the importance…
Restoring your Health of Movement at The Movement Works