


Welcome to Our resource page helpful tools For your path to healthy movement


From shoulder pain to world pole sport champion

Paul Bradley now competes globally in pole sport, a mix of dance and acrobatics. He is a former weightlifter but about 20 years ago suffered a fall onto his shoulder and sustained a serious injury.

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Living Life On The Side Lines

Sitting at work, sitting when out socialising, gardening, walking, going to the beach… But many people with on-going pain (back, neck, knees… and more) are thinking…

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All The Things You’ve Tried And Still Searching - doing something different

 All sorts of manual therapies, gadgets, exercises, looking for the ‘cause with a MRI’... Kirsty had tried the lot to fix her back or so she thought.


The Future Of Healthcare… Or Zoomed Out

Let’s bust a myth about finding health solutions online.


Empowered To Step Off The Pain Merry-Go-Round

A jumble of labels, advice, and conflicting do's and don'ts leaving you no closer to relief?


Change how you move.
Change your life.

On the programme I work with men and women to empower them to move beyond pain and rediscover a life of joy, happiness, and freedom.

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A conversation with clients

Hear from others who have navigated their path to healthy movement
... a recording of a conversation about finding healthy movement.

Listen to some of the personal experiences from those who took the path less travelled and want to share their stories.

FIND OUT MORE about my work

Active Sitting.

Most of my clients have ongoing joint and muscle aches and pains. What drives them to seek my help is the impact pain has on their lives... how it makes them think and feel... how it influences what they can do, OR more often what they CANT do.

sarah talks about her Journey and Healthy Movement 

Sarah recently sat down with Rachel Kili for a chat about pain, movement, and her game-changing Healthy Movement Programme. She shares her holistic approach, offering a wellness-focused alternative for those stuck in the cycle of ongoing joint and muscle aches. Drawing on her 30 published papers and a PhD driven by a passion for healthy movement, Sarah reflects on how her journey led to developing this empowering programme.

The Healthy Movement Programme dives deep into uncovering and addressing shifts in movement patterns that might be behind ongoing joint and muscle aches and pain. It’s a fresh, whole-person approach that looks at all the factors—big and small—that impact how well we move over time. The goal? To help you make small, achievable changes that can lead to major improvements—not just in movement, but in how you feel. Backed by science and filled with practical tools, the programme is all about putting you back in charge of your movement and helping you rediscover the best version of yourself.