Small hinges to swing big doors
I am inspired by how many people have the hope and the belief that there is a different way towards resolving ongoing pain - back, neck, shoulder, hip and more. Especially those that have tried all sorts of strategies.

I am passionate about using movement to help many people overcome long standing issues.
We do this by exploring all the factors that influence movement.
We piece together the puzzle of a lifetime of movement, habits, injuries, trauma, sport and lifestyle.
We highlight what's missing and how things tie together.
This week a client said to me after her first session...
'after almost 10 years of on and off pain I feel I might actually have got the crux of the matter'.
We make sense of the tightness, the stiff joints, the triggers, all the niggles, the recurrences, what's worked, what hasn't...
Together we build a picture of what influences movement, how it's changed and the way forward. We also explore pain, what influences it and how to make changes for the long-term.
It's a holistic approach and we work together.
There is hope and another way.
That way is to identify the changes in our movement patterns and the factors that contribute to this. Then working on a subtle but simple programme to make a massive difference to how we move. Learning to use our bodies more efficiently. Moving away from pain.