The Movement Works Virtual Clinic
Improving healthy movement with virtual sessions and technology can help you move away from ongoing neck and shoulder symptoms.

The main focus of The Movement Works is restoring healthy movement because we know changes in movement patterns occur with pain.
And these changes can be resolved with movement training, knowledge and understanding pain science.
Now one question we are often asked is...can this work online and through a virtual setting?
And our answer is most definitely YES!
Here is what Sarah says...
'I have seen clients face to face most of my career but in the last five years or so I have been developing on-line programmes for my clients and also delivering education for practitioners online.
I was sceptical at first - it wasn't what I was used to and I have been so surprised by the positive results. To be honest, to begin with it was very challenging because I have to be very clear with my communication but the positive piece is my clients learn to really embody the ‘new’ movements and this takes them closer to their goals.
So many of my clients are used to seeking symptom-centric solutions to their pain, but they still look for a long term solution.
What makes the virtual clinic and coaching work?
It’s because we focus on restoring healthy movement by giving YOU the tools to change the circuitry - it's not just symptom-centric but a package of movement training, knowledge and understanding pain science that puts you in the driving seat. We do this with 1:1 session but also an array of technological support to get you moving with ease.
I am with you every step of the way to help you get to where you want to go. Whether it be participating in daily activities, work related or recreational activities or sport.'
Here’s what a few clients say:
‘The virtual nature of the 1:1 sessions didn't seem to impact Sarah's ability to pick up minor details when I was doing the training’.
‘This virtual programme has given me the tools to change things for the long term’
In fact 'telehealth' has been reported high levels of patient/client satisfaction and often higher than those receiving in-person care
Our mission is to help people find strategies to move better, get to the root cause and set them up for a lifetime of healthy movement.
Coaching People To Move With Ease
Contact us if you would like to restore your healthy movement