The Future Of Healthcare… Or Zoomed Out Part 1

‘To be honest I am just not sure how this can work online’.

The Future Of Healthcare… Or Zoomed Out Part 1

I know many of my clients thought this about my programme! They had doubts because they had tried all sorts. Not only face to face treatment but also other online programmes.

So why would this work?

When I started to develop the Healthy Movement Programme I met a lot of people delivering online health coaching. Mainly outside the UK.

When we chatted about their programme and their business, I have to admit I did wonder how they made it work online. I knew a different way – the brick and mortar model.

These colleagues, including osteopaths, physios, fitness instructors, doctors, nurses, mindset coaches, all had one thing in common – years of experience and expertise in their field.

I am confident about helping people out of pain – I have over 30 years of experience doing this, a PhD on healthy movement and an eye for detail.

Detail on observing movement and how it relates to your pain. And from there helping you find the awareness to change.

This testimonial I think sums it up:


‘Watching Sarah work with a client, her expertise of observing subtleties in movement, connecting how these relate to their story, and then facilitating recovery for the long-term is remarkable.’ 

But at the start of this business venture, I wasn't sure if I could deliver this online. One thing I learnt from my new colleagues was this is a different format.  

It’s different from a business point of view. A whole new world of tech, funnels, marketing and more. I had help and support and got it up and running. It wasn't easy. Sometimes I felt out of my depth but I stuck with it.

Because I really believe this is the future of healthcare – particularly musculoskeletal pain…

Giving people the knowledge, skills and tools to change their health for the long term.

And it’s very different from the clinical setting I was used to.

I had to do things differently and I designed the programme based on a system to  help my clients gain the knowledge, skills and tools to find healthy movement.

Yes we do face to face consults, but building the knowledge, skills and tools takes time, feedback, support. Unravelling the stuck points, building on strengths and identifying weaknesses. 

As I spoke with clients today I  asked them about their ‘online experience’.

Did they miss the clinic experience? … No because they go something different.

The difference - KNOWING

  • Knowing about their problem
  • Knowing what to do about it
  • Knowing a team is there to support them every step of the way

We help them build awareness. That's what builds long term solutions. Not quick fixes.


Want to know more – we’re here to chat to see if we can help you find the knowledge skill and tools to move away from pain.

More on the online experience next time!

contact us to find out more about the programme
