The Choice Is Ours

Making the best choices to find a solution to ongoing pain is hard.

The Choice Is Ours
  • There are so many unknowns -  but despite this we often chase a label for the cause of ongoing and persistent pain - despite  the fact medical exams have not come up with a ‘cause’.
  • Then there is comfort in the familiar - treatments that help in the short term and not in the long-term.
  • And doubt - will this work for me?

Doubt is such a big one. And it’s understandable…

You may have tried all sorts of treatments to find relief or a ‘cure’.

Like Kirsty:

‘I saw no end of people over many years - you name it, I tried it! I was basically trying to chase the cure for my pain for many years’.

Doubt can stop us making the best choice. The choice to become empowered to move away from pain.

Thousands of people do overcome doubt - discover how their body moves, and what it needs to move freely and be healthy. And address the stuff that is currently holding them back.

Science tells us this is possible. We can change the way we move, influence pain and understand our bodies so we can make better choices.

The choice to go from being reliant on others to reliant on your-self.

‘It's been amazing working with Sarah. I thought my shoulder was damaged for ever! I have the  physical confidence and a toolkit to understand movement, pain and my body.’

If you’d like to make a different choice about your pain reply to this email and we’ll explore choices or book a call with me here.
