Seeing Beyond Pain
Ongoing pain can change everything…

How we feel, how we think, what we can do.
People tell me they feel stuck. They can’t find a way to move away from pain.
It can be difficult to visualise what life would be like without the ongoing pain.
At the beginning of The Healthy Movement journey we explore just that… what life would be like without ongoing pain.
I encourage my clients to be clear on what they want. Crystal clear. What would it look like and feel like. Map it out in a journal, draw it or use another creative tool.
Imagine it, feel it, embody it. BE it.
And from here we can work back to see what we need to do to. Finding healthy movement and working on a robust mind-body connection.
Creating a vision helps us stay on track as we work through the strategies. It helps us direct our actions, choices, hopes and desires.
Healthy Movement Insight
You can learn to understand your aches and pains and know what you need to move freely - without pain.
This week a client shared with me the vision for her healthy movement at the start of the programme:
- Walking the local hills
- Reclaiming a social life
- Getting out of bed without pain
- Sleeping well
- Playing with her grandchildren
- … Enjoying a pain-free life.
She is doing all these things, and more, now she had found healthy movement.
Share you vision with me and we’ll chat about how we can help you find healthy movement.
Book a call here.