Running away from pain
Gary loves to run, it's part of him and part of his wellness strategy.

So it was devastating for him when pain put a stop to something so important him.
He sought a solution, various treatments, 'core strengthening' and other exercise programmes but to no avail.
It was getting him down and he was worried about the future and not moving away from his ongoing pain.
I was sure I could help him but understandably he was skeptical about The Healthy Movement Programme.
… 'I have tried so many things, spent so much money already chasing a solution and exercises haven't helped'.
(Gary’s day job is working as a personal training so he knows a thing or two about exercise!)
However he understood this was different and joined the programme.
We dived straight in…
To start we IDENTIFY the problem. We helped Gary identify some of the missing connections in his movement, mind and body. Helping him connect the dots.
At same session we started to APPLY strategies to restore healthy movement .
After the first session Gary reflected…
'The movements seemed very simple when Sarah did them so I thought they would be a doddle. WRONG....! They were super deceptive. The control and proprioception needed was insane. I thought:
A, there is no way these small movements can make a difference.
B, there is no way I can stick to this. Anyway, I left our session with my homework and a determination to finally sort this out. I started with the programme…
and I am feeling a little humbled, embarrassed that it's taken this long to try to sort things out and most importantly super motivated.'
And 2 weeks later as thing began to change a lot… less pain, less frustration and a clear understanding of his back, body and pain, he said:
'Had a great zoom session with Sarah today. A lot of hard work has been put in over the last 2 weeks and it’s paying off.'
By 5 weeks he’s back to trail running with his club - putting the third step into practice - taking new strategies into a pain-free EVERYDAY.
For many, like Gary, movement is difficult because of ongoing pain. Movement is one of those things we often don’t value until it’s limited.
The Healthy Movement Programme is a different way to unlimit your movement.
It’s a tried, tested and proven method.
If you'd like to chat to see how this could work for you, please get in touch